Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Friday, October 24, 2003


Check out the time on this blog. The silly kids are wailing and hailing in the courtyard like the youth that they are. No wonder I cannae sleep. I don't have much longer to spend my nights wandering the dark alleys of the virtual world like this. To be honest, I've lost the thrill of an owl's life but nobody likes when some liberty is taken away from dem either. Perhaps I'll have a few more weeks of the Supper Culture when I visit my friends in Singapore...

Officially, today was the last day I can claim to be a student. Although, between working at WorldVision, OCF Sydney and my thesis research, whether I actually led a student's life in the last six months is debatable. Bugger it, I did not get to read as much as I wanted to for the academic year. More accurately, I didn't read as much as I should have. I shall end my academic career very much the same way I started seven years ago, unable to do what I have now been trained to do - that is, write, though from a very different perspective now, still dumbfounded in discussion and silently waiting for the hour to tick over.

Audio: Elvis Costello
Biblio: Moby Dick by Herman Melville


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