Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Tuesday, November 04, 2003


Interesting things I've learnt while perusing on transcendentalism:

1. The “live large” life-philosophies of transcendental pyscho-philosophy, the absorption and transformation of and ideology, extended into a personal belief system to become part of behavioural extension has been part of my own psycho-philosophy.
2. Although transcendentalism promotes the alluring experiential way of living, its tenets may be irreconsilable to the basic principles of Christianity, most obviously would be the disposal of the Divinity of a triune God for a personal divinity within oneself that is able to “enlighten” one’s knowledge and understanding of self and the world.
3. Transcendental thought shares a lot in common with Hindu religions.
4. Some Hindu scriptures sound like the principles of a christian life - let me clarify, that the “principles” of a christian life, ie. how we live our life, is not the same as the what we belief of Christ. From the Bhadvad Gita: “as a person puts on new garments giving up the old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones” and “death according to Hindu philosophy is the beginning of new life.” Don't those tropes ring a bell?

We are told to question and must dare to test what we are taught. There is certain faith in testing, for if what we belief in is the truth then it will hold up against everything else.

Audio: sound of my own breathing
Biblio: The Transcendental Self: The Psycho-philosophy of Hinduism and Buddhism.
Cerebrio: Why can't I just get the seminar over and done with?


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