Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

The Same Side of the Moon

Time is just ticking by and there are some friends I dread leaving. Like Lirps. Truth is, I don't know and I can't see when I might see Lirps again. Time and space may never allow it. Lirps has been one of God's gifts to me. Lirps has perfect timing. Just when I feel lonely and most need to know that I feel loved and thought about, Lirps will call and say "love ya!" and I know God loves me too.

Lirps, we may maybe miles away, but as I kneel to pray, I'll see the same side of the moon that we'll be looking on when the world turns blue. Time and space can't come between what we share. We can't be that far if we're both looking on the same side of the moon. I'll picture you across the oceans, in your corner of the world working out what you need to do. Your night might be my day and though the seasons change, its still the same side of the moon. And too soon, the infinitesimally small blot of time we have on earth will be over, and we'll see each other in heaven.

TWO seminar papers for this Friday and I'm mucking around...downloaded new OS X updates, the iLife gear: iPhoto 2.0 and iTunes 4.1 with inbuilt music store! Whoop! Huzah!

"The iTunes Music Store is not available in your country yet. ... you won't be able to purchase music unless your billing address is in the United States..." Blah.

Audio: Corrinne May. This girl's got the goods!
Biblio: The Transcendental Self: The Psycho-philosophy of Hinduism and Buddhism
Cerebrio: I need to apply myself to the seminars. But I can't be arsed!


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