Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Tuesday, November 25, 2003


I have to admit, since Rick Warren, I haven’t been reading God’s word regularly. I meditate on it but I haven’t kept as close to God's word as I probably should have. And that does have consequences.

I’m glad I haven’t gone so far as to commit a fault, but that by no means means that I have not sinned in my heart. It is hard to perservere and study his word when we get tired. We work hard, excuse ourselves and then before long, its hard to get back into the routine again. I’m going to work on reading and digesting the Sermon on the Mount even though I don’t forsee a regular daily schedule that would allow it for the next few months. But I still have to try my best to anyway. Its a lousy excuse not to be doing my devotions.

A few weeks ago, Lirps and I were debating the “why not” of flirting and having non-committed relationships for fun if it did not bother those involved, especially if they already knew and had the same intention to have fun anyway. Christian people and christian relationships were to be taken seriously, but why couldn’t we get away with the non-christians if they didn't have those priorities? We really were blinded by the devil and were stumped - not that we didn’t know already but I’m afraid to admit, the right answer didn’t come to us immediately but took two weeks to surface. Because, Matthew say, “are not the tax collectors doing that? what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?”

We were trying measuring up against what we could get away with and not what we could do to shine as lights of the world. We were treading dangerously close to the grey line. We didn’t commit any fault, but I can’t believe how blinded we were from the truth that we already knew. I’m dissapointed and ashamed. If I were suddenly taken to face God, I don’t think he would have been proud of me. Yes, I was a christian, but was I being the salt of the earth? Could a non-christian have identified any saltiness? The right hand is the hand of social actions and if my right hand started sinning, I should cut it off and throw it away, better to lose one part of the body than for the whole body to go to hell. Lirp’s conviction to get right with God-priorities is encouraging. I am being convicted to pursue this with her too.

When shadows fall and block my eyes, I am lost and know that I must hide. Its a long long journey till I find my way home to you... I know I will falter, I know I will cry, I know you'll be standing by my side... Sometimes it feels like no one understands, I don't even know why I do the things I do. When pride builds me up till I can't see my soul, will you break down these walls and pull me through? When Satan mocks and friends turn to foes, it feel like everything is out to make me lose control. It's a long long journey and I need to be close to you

Audio: Journey by Corrinne May
Biblio: Lord, I'm Torn Between Two Masters: Genuine Faith from the Sermon on the Mount by Kay Arthur.
Cerebrio: I thank God for loving me and working through everything in my life.


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