Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Friday, January 09, 2004


Watched Love Actually (is all around). It’s a very hopeful movie. Gave me hope about love and being loved, even when it comes to across cultures and across languages. Well, there were some parts that were sad and unfortunate. But, for me, it wasn’t mostly about the success of the outcomes, but that we pursue the opportunities and knock on the doors we chance upon.

Opportunities arn’t placed on a platter and then presented to you. Yes, as the song goes, "...all around me, its everywhere I go...". It's really what you make of the circumstances you find yourself in, whether you make the most of them, what you do or sometimes, don’t do, with them and with what tenacity you go after them. I almost want to take the last phrase back because it really isn’t all about what you do, a lot of the time I believe it's how you let or if you let God do what he wills with it and with you.

When it all boils down, I wonder if I’ve made the most of the opportunies God has presented to me over the last four years I’ve spend in Australia. Was I a good steward of my few hundred thousand dollar education and all the opportunities that it offered? Oppotunities to love others and to be loved, to give and to be given, to share Christ, to be a good christian person and example to others, to influence others for the better, to help make someone’s day a little better, to bring a smile on someone’s face, to help another where I can, to make this world just that little bit easier to deal with. I think I’ve made the most out of a lot of opportunities presented to me. I think I fare better on the scorecard on a lot of counts, than the average Singaporean overseas/international student studying there. But, the one count I know I have definitely not fared well in is in love. In fact, being emotionally available is something I’ve learnt fairly late... but that is all in the past.

What matters now is I learn the lessons from what God has presented to me. And, I’m going to let God make me a more emotionally available person, someone ready to love others and readier to accept love, to let my shield and guard down, to trust God that he’ll take care of what needs taking care of, even my heart and if and when it starts hurts, and I'm sure it will - we live in a fallen world - , to continue to have faith in Him that he’ll take care of it and make it turn out for the best. I need to learn to trust God with my heart. God, help me learn to trust you with my heart.


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