Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Friday, May 14, 2004


I've been doing a lot of thinking. As interesting as Japan is, I suspect I don't find it as fascinating as most because a lot of what I am seeing (wierd things aside) is really troughing deeper in the Asian cultures I already know. No "Oh wow! Gem of Asia!" kinda thing going for me.

Which translates to less of this desire to turn into an otaku. Its all well and interesting but thats all that it remains for me. No perogative of that sort to be sticking around here. May it be so clearly obvious to me and everyone else here that i stay because God had a reason to put me here. And, many times I've come close to giving up on Japan but its like He keeps foiling my plans to do so, proving himself faithful in keeping my head above the water.

Looks like I won't have to resort to blackmailing, "I'm going or else!" this time around. But I would have done it if that was going to be the only way. Taking this leave is principlely important to me because my family is my priority, my friends are my priority and my relationships come first. Work, is not my priority. It's lucky for them that God is my biggest priority elsewise I would want out so fast!

"Whenever you are faced with a choice between liberty and security, choose liberty. Otherwise you will end up with neither. Choose life, whatever the apparent costs may be." I will try my darnest from having to sell my soul and compromise my ethics and principles for the promises of a "secure" job and and an envious salary. I know where my true security lies.

Audio: The pitter patter of rain outside.
Biblio: The Gospel according to Luke.
Cerebrio: What a braindraining, heartstopping mid-week.


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