Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Wednesday, June 30, 2004


And, just to prove how unhealthily crazy my workplace is, I am told two hours before knock off that today is the Teachers' Administrative Manager's last day at work. Granted, I wasn't around the last week and a bit to be duly informed, so I can't really whup the "Japanese-don't-give-notice" sting. Still, c'mon. I was only away for 12 days!

But, notification aside, this would now mean that the entire school's administrative staff have left at least once over since I came. In all of four and half months.

Literally, there isn't anyone left at all to ask. And she was the one I was counting on to keep me in the loop about things, the one who's always "been there". No more.

Ridiculous? Worrisome? Reason for a red flag? Time to wave my white flag too?

Audio: Heavier Things by John Mayer.
Biblio: The Home and the World by Rabindranath Tagore.
Cerebrio: Concerned. Worried. A little anxious to say the least.


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