Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Friday, July 09, 2004

MICC is actually a Non-Profit Organization

I'm back. AppleCare was really good with efficiency and now iChilibuddy (yea, it was a good idea iJamba!) is back kicking, better and brighter!

And, I got offered the job!

International Community. Christian. Non-Profit. Ashiya, Kobe. Sunday school everyday of the week - "we want someone to step-up the Christian presence in the classroom". 15 minutes to the beach (Not as grand as Coogee but better than East Coast). Fully furnished, western style, 3 bedroom apartment (by the river/harbour no less), shared by two. Smack bang between Osaka and Kobe, only two - three stops either way on the rapid express, not out in the sticks. Regular working hours, if school hours 9:30pm to 3:30/4pm count as regular. Heh! No more graveyard shifts! and no pay cut (always nice)!

Incidentally, I'm going back to Ashiya tomorrow. If the weather continues to scorch, Laura ("poacher" extrodinaire and now new future housemate from Wales), Debs, Chantel (the teacher I'm replacing) and me are going to the Ashiyagawa Beach. (Yes, the one thats a walk and a skip from the apartment...)

Audio: -/-
Biblio: Home and The World by Tagore.
Cerebrio: Happy!


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