Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Tuesday, July 20, 2004


10 Years Ago, I...

1. wasn't doing much, most definitely not studying - and completely stopped studying mandarin.
2. fell deeply in love with biology and chemistry.
3. decided to apply myself sans mandarin. (I told you I didn't do much - I was a nerd)

5 Years Ago, I...

1. left a complicated love-hate relationship with the lifescience for the letters.
2. left another complicated love-hate relationship with someone who would forever be etched in my memory.
3. moved out of home.

3 Years Ago, I...

1. thought marriage was impending, panicked and then was hopeless crushed when it wasn't.
2. fell in love with post-colonial cultural studies. I am now a bona fide P/C cultures otaku.
3. properly learnt how to drive.

1 Year Ago, I...
1. taught Sunday school inspite of my violent tendencies toward bawling things below my hip.
2. worked for WorldVision Australia.
3. b/packed the desert of Australia.

So far this year, I...

1. moved to Japan.
2. got a job at an international school.
3. became a tentmaker for God's kingdom.

Yesterday, I...

1. went to work. Spent it daydreaming about being at the beach.
2. had bills to pay - which I haven't.
3. toyed with the idea of moving to China to do more development work in healthcare comunication!!! (See: Point 10-1 and 5-1)

Today, I...

1. get ready to face the day,
2. will pay my bills.
3. will meet Jan at the station. Let the month-long revelries begin!!!


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