Tea-house at Arashiyama
I've been playing with myself again. Experimenting with different types of composition and lomo-cropping. Have been secretly coveting a RevOlver, that goes for Y9800, from my favourite shop, The VillageVangard, since coming back from Tokyo. But am beside myself on the matter since I go digital media. Hardcopy photos are good for posterity but a rather expensive option for lomo shots. Lomos are great for snapping a moment but unjustifiable to spend money developing medium format for a cat/dog/plane/loo/car/insert-appropriate-lomo-subject shot from the hip. I'm still old skool photography.
MORE QUESTIONS Parte de Seconde
When someone asks you, "A penny for you thoughts" and you give them your two cents, what happens to the other penny?
When cheese gets it picture taken, what does it say?
Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?
Why are wise men and wise guys opposites?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear pilots?
I'm moving in a couple of days so I'll have very limited access to the internet. Which is not a favourble option, but I will be busy sorting out my new place and be entertained by my new housemate from Wales. It's bittersweet though, moving again because its a better thing and place I'm going to but having to acknowledge that this last shindig didn't live up to its expectation. I blame the company for misrepresentation. I would have liked to kickass here but there ain't much ass to kick around the sticks. I want to forget this ever happened.
I'm excited about moving and less scared like I was the last time. I'm feeling good and hoping that my next six months will rock. I want to make you wish you were here. Don't want to be tired. Don't want to be scared. I want the next six months to refuel my youth and make it burn bright again. If this second wind is all I've got left to squeeze out of my youth, I want to make it kickass. I want to make it worth having lived.

Stone idols can get cold.

They apparently need bibs too.

Audio: Ordinary by Train.
Biblio: Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code.
Cerebrio: Digital cameras should have lomo-functions!
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