Just like St. Barnabus but in Japan?
In Ashiya at that. Hard to believe, but true.
I'm a little bummed. I was so looking forward to spending the long weekend ahead in Nagoya with Keely and Laura. Was looking forward to a deserving good time, enjoying myself at someone else's organization expense, namely, Keely's. Sorry hun, not only is it a guest's request, its a birthday girl's one too! Well, was, since yet another typhoon is going the ruin my best laid plans, or Keely's? So, we are not shinkansen-ing to Nagoya for dinner tomorrow, we are not going karaoke, we are not going to trek any autumnal mounts and capture fiery red maple leaves, or be packing a guitar and tambourine on our backpacks to tell it on the mountains, over the hills or anyway else for that matter. A whole week's expectation down the drain.
You know of course what this means. Happy first anniversary Gaijin Cerebrio!
But I can take a God-sign anytime, man. I am going to step forward in faith that He will make this weekend a great anyway.
Yesterday's home group biblestudy was awesome! I enjoying prepping biblestudy just cause I think its a great reason to be spending more time in God's word. But recently, the preps have been slow in revelations and epiphanies. Admittedly, I haven't had as much time as I had on my hands to ruminate on things then when I was in Sydney. But that's where home group has been a great solution. It's really not like I go into it like a teacher asking all the questions (although, I do...) I go into it with all this scraps of information that I want others to know and they come through and concretize it! God blesses indeed!
Was really challenged by what we learnt, exactly what and whom do I approach when I am stumped for a solution? Humanity or Sovereignity? Seeking solution like Saul, so that I look like the rest of the "nations", a "perfect" solution that looks the part to lead me into battle, a head taller than anyone but really a frightened little man inside, hiding in the baggage at coronation, fearful of a loyal soldier called David? or communion with The Creator who started the ball rolling? I'm embarassed to admit that I do have other kings on my throne - I've been going on and on in my update emails about how life here is finally making sense to me and that, it is finally, almost but not quite, perfect. No prizes for guessing what my solution would be.
Audio: Aurora from Vanessa-Mae's Storm album.
Biblio: The Power of A Praying Woman by Stormie Omartian.
Cerebrio: Between Laura and me, we realize that our singlehood is a perfect blessing. If we got the solutions we asked for, what we have would go so pear-shaped. Amen Lord, Amen.
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