Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Thursday, December 23, 2004


"My camera's been giving gip the last month", is a bad excuse not to have been putting up pretty pixs for all to see. But its true at least and its been making me wonder whether I should get a new one finally. I've been putting off getting a new one since my last major electronic purchase of the iPod almost 10 months ago, because I thought I could do without it. And I did. After all, my current OEM one for a steal of $150 has been ploughing it for me. To date, it has given me more than 2500 photos, enough to give my iPhoto libary load-up a real workout each time I open it. I have to archive the 2004-2005 batch of photos very soon. To think, not so long ago, I had only thought to expect it to last the journey of the Australian desert.

After not having bought myself a birthday present and a chrimbo pressie yet, one wonders if this warrants another major purchase. I don't want to buy a flashy one with more features than I can use. I much prefer a real basic one where I control the setting of the settings control me. And I think it would be good stewardship to look for one which I can expand its capabilities with add-ons like zoom lenses in the far future when I have proven to myself that I deserve an upgrade instead of having to make another big purchase.

On a completely different matter, its been a real experience hearing Laura's Chrissie Holidays from the other side. Sometime bittersweet cause I can't be there nor can I be at the one at home - and I really do want to. The first few days I was really struggling with discontent but I prayed real hard that God show me what it was all about and give me joy to share with CurlySu around. And he showed me that in reality, the christmases we celebrate are non-events anyway and at the bottom of it, its not as if we always focused on the real matter at heart: Christ's birth. Most of the times, we make an altar out of the blessing we get out of Christ's birth. Family gatherings, presents, thanksgiving, the festive spirit of completing a year; they are all great reasons to meet and celebrate but the real heart of it can be celebrated without them.

So, this year's non-events of Christmas and New Years will be celebrated as a first for me in a different country and a different setting. Anti-climactic as it may indeed turn out to be, I will try not to habour discontent and begrudge those that do have the privelege of a grand celebration. I will be happy for them but I should not be in want of anything. I'm finally getting what it must mean to other's in foreign countries when their special events are not celebrated or acknowledged as they should. They must feel somewhat cheated of a celebration too.

Audio: -/-
Biblio: The Lady And The Unicorn by Tracy Chevalier.
Cerebrio: I can't believe its Christmas eve already. Yea. It definitely doesn't feel like it.


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