Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Monday, January 31, 2005


I am a buffoon for just not knowing well enough when enough is enough for my body to take. Another lesson learnt here in Japan; that I try to do a lot on my own strength - literally. And I'm proven month after month that strength is something I don't have as much here. I'm not sure why but that's not the point of this entry. I just don't have as much strength as I used to have for powering through things as I used to. I think God's trying to teach me to rely on him physically too.

You can imagine, It frustrates my pride to think that my body can't manage a certain amount of exertion anymore. I used to be able to gym for hours trice a week, go hard on the tennis grass twice a week and hit the climbing walls or kickbox at least once a week. Once upon a time, I was as fit as a bull and hard to keep up. Not any more. Two services on sunday is already trying and I should've known better than to go so hard on painting the new church sanctuary. Perhaps it is being high-risk around children, perhaps its the running around after them that take out the energy from me anyway that leads to exhaustion. And everytime I get exhausted, my body's alarm signals are on high alert. Blurgh.

Biblio: The Horse And His Boy by C. S. Lewis.
Cerebrio: It's a pride thang...


At 6:18 pm, Blogger Trevor said...

You have some really good pictures.. brought back a lot of good memories when I was staying Japan!

Keep churning out the photos! ^^v

At 7:51 am, Blogger The Chilibuddy said...

Thanks mate! FlickR only lets me put up so many MB of photos a month and I've already maxed it out for January so I put most of my photos on I've haven't updated it this week yet cause I've been sick again and staying indoors - not a lot of photos opps indoors...

At 1:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my ur sick again :( take care!



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