Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


The weather forecast is an absolute lie. It was supposed to be a top of 11 degrees today. It was a cold, foggy, wet day, nothing of the warm sunshine as promised. There is no way that tomorrow can be a balmy 17 degrees tops. I'm really talking a bit much of the weather. I fear I am being too anglified by my flatmate that I talk that much of the weather.

I've got half the evening to myself so I'm gonna put some rice on, clean up and try a bit of studying before whipping up dinner and then make it a T.V. dinner over King Arthur on video.

That's all I've got energy for today. The kids sapped up 50% of it, the other 50% was lost to my sinuses. Dankesehr.

Audio: Me and My Shadow by Robbie Williams and Jonathan Wilkes.
Biblio: Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis.
Cerebrio: I talked enough of the weather...


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