Subject: Six Month Thailand Mission Trip
Date: 3 March 2005 7:55:17 am GMT+09:00
To: All My Readers and Prayer Warriors.
Hello tomodachi!!
Earlier this year, I emailed you with updates bearing the bad news that "that it would be just a little while longer" that I will be in Japan. Well, as you can guess from the subject of this email, that "little while" is really not so long now!
Let me bring you up to date on what is happening in my life here. From July onwards, I will be leaving Japan permanently and embarking on a six month mission term to Thailand. I will be sent as a missionary from Hope Chapel Osaka (HCO), Japan to Hope Chapel Bangkok, Thailand. There, I will serve 8-12 hours a week as an English (EFL/ESL) teacher in the English Institute ministry of Hope Chapel Bangkok, the Good News English Study Center. This institute reaches out to the local community of university students. The rest of my time there will be spent involved in social ministries such as orphanages, village evangelism, encouraging the local bible schools and possible tsunami-aid.
The aim of the mission trip is to gain a fuller appreciation of missionary work in EFL/ESL ministries, children ministries in orphanages and education and relief aid. I go there to support and partner the national and local missionaries in Hope Chapel Bangkok and the locale. I want my faith to be challenged as I see how they battle to win souls to Christ in the villages and urban settings. The long term goal of this short term mission is to see if this may be where God would call me in the future.
In order to make all these possible, I need to develop a team of ministry partners, a group of people like you who would want an opportunity to make my trip possible and be involved in God's work. I would like to ask you to pray about 2 things. Firstly, I would like to ask you about joining my prayer team while I prepare and go on this mission trip. Secondly, I would like to ask you to pray about supporting me. I need a total of $4000, which covers room, board, food and transport-in-country. Will you prayerfully consider joining my team by giving a gift of $100, $200 or more?
In order to know who would join my prayer and support team, do let me know if you would like to be giving and/or praying for me. Because I am so far away, in order to save costs, I will email (instead of calling internationally) in two weeks time and I hope to hear from you before then and give you more information on how you can be praying and supporting me. Thank you for considering joining my team to help reach people for Christ in Thailand this year.
Blessings in Christ,
The Chilibuddy.
Subject: Six Month Thailand Mission Trip
Date: 3 March 2005 7:55:17 am GMT+09:00
To: All My Readers and Prayer Warriors.
Hello tomodachi!!
Earlier this year, I emailed you with updates bearing the bad news that "that it would be just a little while longer" that I will be in Japan. Well, as you can guess from the subject of this email, that "little while" is really not so long now!
Let me bring you up to date on what is happening in my life here. From July onwards, I will be leaving Japan permanently and embarking on a six month mission term to Thailand. I will be sent as a missionary from Hope Chapel Osaka (HCO), Japan to Hope Chapel Bangkok, Thailand. There, I will serve 8-12 hours a week as an English (EFL/ESL) teacher in the English Institute ministry of Hope Chapel Bangkok, the Good News English Study Center. This institute reaches out to the local community of university students. The rest of my time there will be spent involved in social ministries such as orphanages, village evangelism, encouraging the local bible schools and possible tsunami-aid.
The aim of the mission trip is to gain a fuller appreciation of missionary work in EFL/ESL ministries, children ministries in orphanages and education and relief aid. I go there to support and partner the national and local missionaries in Hope Chapel Bangkok and the locale. I want my faith to be challenged as I see how they battle to win souls to Christ in the villages and urban settings. The long term goal of this short term mission is to see if this may be where God would call me in the future.
In order to make all these possible, I need to develop a team of ministry partners, a group of people like you who would want an opportunity to make my trip possible and be involved in God's work. I would like to ask you to pray about 2 things. Firstly, I would like to ask you about joining my prayer team while I prepare and go on this mission trip. Secondly, I would like to ask you to pray about supporting me. I need a total of $4000, which covers room, board, food and transport-in-country. Will you prayerfully consider joining my team by giving a gift of $100, $200 or more?
In order to know who would join my prayer and support team, do let me know if you would like to be giving and/or praying for me. Because I am so far away, in order to save costs, I will email (instead of calling internationally) in two weeks time and I hope to hear from you before then and give you more information on how you can be praying and supporting me. Thank you for considering joining my team to help reach people for Christ in Thailand this year.
Blessings in Christ,
The Chilibuddy.
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