Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Friday, April 29, 2005


I'm off for Kyushu for the next ten days! Wow! The last time I had a long break like this was - no, not summer vacation, but - when I went back to Sydney to touch base with my folks last year in June. That break seems like so long ago. And its like even longer ago that I had month long summer breaks to enjoy. Have I transited from university student into regular working life like that?

A few mornings ago, I started thinking about if I would come back to Japan after serving in Thailand. I'm just speculating at the moment, but you never know how life can shift just like that. I have a post-Thailand plan that goes something like another extended return to Australia to touch base again and then Singapore for a few years to do Teacher's College (one of few options). I started thinking what would compel me to postpone those plans and come back here.

If I came back, I can't forsee anything more than a years stay. And, I realised if I came back I wouldn't want to teach EFL on its own again. In fact, I would want to teach Pre-academic skills at a school - at a christian international school. I would want my job back. So why am I leaving?! What all this mindwandering led to was that I thoroughly enjoy my job and that I would want to teach and teach Pre-K to elementary kids. And eventually, that would mean getting a Post-graduate Teaching Diploma from Teacher's College. And I can only afford to do that in Singapore at the moment. Which brings me once around the circle, going back to Singapore instead of postponing that for yet another while.

Of course, what I am not saying yet is why I would want to postpone it at all.

Audio: 月亮代表我的心 by Teresa Teng.
Biblio: Mother Tongue by Bill Bryson.
Cerebrio: Overheard: "I've been praying about it a lot more. I feel confident that God will reveal His will soon even though it may be something unexpected!"


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