Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Monday, May 30, 2005


It's been so long since I've been in a relationship, I daresay I don't know how to relate to others as being one half of a couple. I've so long thought about myself as just solely responsible to no other and others relating to me as a solo entity. It's a funny feeling indeed to still want to be part of the solo set, when you're not quite sure about what it means to be dating. I'm the worst when it comes to over analyzing these things.

It's a transitional time indeed. I don't know whether life will get better or worse. It's just running away from one set of problems into another. My problem is that my problems are all I can think about when changes are happening to everyone around me. At the same time, as is my usual pattern, I am completely delusional about these things and pretend they arn't happening either. This is fine if its just me. Not so fine if it concerns others. There's a whole bunch of people leaving - a reminder of why I too wanted to leave - in the next four weeks and I have just blocked that out in my head. I really should face up to my realities.

Audio: Fighter Christina Arguilera.
Biblio: The Sacred Romance by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge.
Cerebrio: I'm sure it will come to me naturally - I just need time.


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