Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


In my house, there is a fish. It's not actually mine. It's my flatmate's. In his penthouse of a tank (all relative to the size), there is just him. When Fish - and that is his name - first joined our household, he had other fish friends. But, they couldn't withstand the craziness of the people that made up this household. So, there was only Fish.

I don't take any responsibility for Fish. Sometimes, SF would forget to feed Fish. Sometimes, SF would forget Fish existed in the house altogether. Soon, I started to think if Fish got sad and lonely because not only did his mistress forget him, he had no friends to hang out with either.

So, I made Fish an imaginary Friend. I drew Friend and stuck it by one of Fish's floor to ceiling windows. Friend is pretty much my impression of what Fish looks like on paper, except Friend must be huge from the magnification of glass and water inside. Now, there was Fish and Friend.

Not to long after that, Fish started to leave us memos. He wanted to remind us that he existed and he validated his existence in our household by being the useful memo-middle-fish. He was the carrier-pigeon, or maybe carrier-fish between me and SF. His first messages said this:

Fish said, "Thank you for my Friend"
Sharon says, "When did Fish get a friend?"

Sometime later he said this:

Fish says, "SF won't join homechurch tonight. She's out. But I told her I would take notes on her behalf."

I wonder how offended he might have been at that particular session and whether he would relay the message accurately, cause we were expounding on Jesus' miracle of feeding 5000 people with loaves of bread and fish. At church, we decided that The Book of John had to be culturally relevant so we always replaced "bread" with "rice" and "wine" with "tea". Unfortunately, the Japanese do eat a lot of fish. Sorry Fish.

Audio: Don't Let Me Down by Stereophonics.
Biblio: Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller.
Cerebrio: My God is an amazing, un-understandable, indescribable God. Thank you God... for so many many things.


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