This is mine now!
I got this new puppie as the weekend began. In fact, I got tonnes of toys and things this weekend in the mail. Andy sent over Wrong about Japan by Peter Carey in the mail, which I totally had my eyes on, then I got The box of Apple sent to school friday afternoon. And, while I was fondling my new toy on saturday morning, I got a beary valentines parcel.

Benet now has a big Bear-ther.
My eyes lit up friday arvo as I was about to clock out. As I made my way through the office, the school reception informed me duly that "an Apple box" had arrived for me. A few of my students were in the corridor and overheard it and couldn't resist asking me what was in the box as I carried it through.
Student: Miss, what's that?
Me: It's an Apple box.
Student: An apple box? Can I see?
Me: But I haven't opened it yet.
Student: Can I smell?
Me: Yea, sure... (She proceeds to sniff the box.)
Student: Hhmpff. It doesn't smell very good!
Audio: Your Touch by Kutless.
Biblio: The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis.
Cerebrio: A fully English-operable Mac with Japanese International Keyboard. Mmmhhrm. Total touchtype.
gross. i dont have a valentine's much less a valentines present. and u have 2 bears! sigh. oh well... i guess i have to learn what it's like to be single for real. it's good for now actually. my friends are really there for me.
Single on valentine's isn't really that bad at all... 99% of my life, I've either been or chosen to be single on the day.
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