Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Three Names you go by
1. The Chilibuddy
2. Jie-jie
3. my name (which I rarely use on the blog)

Three Parts of Your Heritage
1. Chinese
2. Malay
3. Singaporean?

Three Things That Scare You
1. separation from God
2. that I won't travel the world in the future.
3. that I will settle.

Three of Your Everyday Essentials
1. my iBook
2. music
3. God's word

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. a Northface fleece
2. trackpants
3. my pink Ugg boots

Three Things You Need in a Relationship (other than Real Love)
1. presence
2. communication
3. touch

Two Truths and a Lie (in jumbled order, u figure them out)
1. I have eaten kangaroo, ostrich, emu, crocodile.
2. I have been stranded in the middle of a desert.
3. I have broken bones in my four limbs from aggressive inline skating in my youth.

Three PHYSICAL Things about the Opposite Sex that Appeal to You
1. eyes
2. smooth chest
3. strong shoulders

Three of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. tennis
2. reading
3. travelling

Three Things You want to do right now
1. hang out with my friends
2. play in the sun
3. play with my band at the concert.

Three places you want to go
1. European castles, cathedrals, buildings.
2. Driving holiday in New Zealand in summer.
3. a sunny white tropical beach!

Three Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. live in Europe.
2. live in a 3rd-world/developing country.
3. bring someone to christ.

Three Ways that you are stereotypically a Girl (this one is tough)
1. I have long hair.
2. I like kids (most of the time).
3. I can drive, I like to drive but I don't drive. I get driven around most of the time. Does that count?

Three Things that annoy you
1. lies
2. shallowness
3. stubbornness


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