Personally, the last few months have tended to feel a bit stale, except for some parts. It's like the zing got zapped out of life. This is a recurrence just about every winter. The Doldrums. And life gets better again as spring rolls around. It's warmer. It's more fun to be outside. You spend more time with people, you're not in a rush to go somewhere warm.
But why does all that add zing?
I've been thinking about how in the last few months I try to turn to studying God's word to bring back some of that life. A great thing, I learn tons from it, but it doesn't always mean anything to me at that time. But when I think about the times in the last few months, that the word did come alive for me and made me excited about life in him, I realize it was when I went out and interacted with people that God's word was made alive. That is when I am challenged to apply the theory and principals I've learnt in my head through application and vice versa, when my ideas get challenged by what it means to turn those principles into actions and deeds.
But, finally spring has rolled around. Yesterday was one beautiful day. A warm day to go out and do things, meet people and interact. So irresistable was the weather, we made to the hills for some x-trailing.

Dave riding the skinny-orange, my hyrbrid MTB and his Huffy BMX.
But why does all that add zing?
I've been thinking about how in the last few months I try to turn to studying God's word to bring back some of that life. A great thing, I learn tons from it, but it doesn't always mean anything to me at that time. But when I think about the times in the last few months, that the word did come alive for me and made me excited about life in him, I realize it was when I went out and interacted with people that God's word was made alive. That is when I am challenged to apply the theory and principals I've learnt in my head through application and vice versa, when my ideas get challenged by what it means to turn those principles into actions and deeds.
But, finally spring has rolled around. Yesterday was one beautiful day. A warm day to go out and do things, meet people and interact. So irresistable was the weather, we made to the hills for some x-trailing.

Dave riding the skinny-orange, my hyrbrid MTB and his Huffy BMX.
At the top!
Audio: More Than Life (Live) by Hillsongs United.
Biblio: Searching For God Knows What by Donald Miller.
Cerebrio: Heard a great podcast interview with Pastor Craig Gross from XXXCHURCH.COM, the #1 Christian Porn Site. They do good things for the kingdom there. I pray that I can be changed and used like that.
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