Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


There have been a lot of things on mind recently. I guess I have had the privilege of time to pursue these wandering thoughts... besides myself and watching in wonder as I engage in re-entry and cultural shock.

This morning I decided to make good use of my time and energy at the outreach conference. On the very long train ride from one end of the island to the other, I made a friend; a Filipino missionary from a youth missionary organization. He was an interesting bloke and it was very encouraging to hear his testimony and share mine. He says it was divinely appointed since he prayed that God would open doors to establish relationships with other missionaries. I would have to agree since it has been my prayer to make more friends and build stronger friendships in Singapore. Lunch was nice too, meeting more people from Korea and Canada and swapping similar field experience. Seriously, whoever said Christians were a boring bunch?!? They are totally radical! Can I say it is always so encouraging and fun to hang out with young christian ministers and missionaries who always have some crazy idea or willing to go out on a limb to do some crazy thing. Not enough people in the world dare to be crazy.

So, said friend, lets call him R, was great and so were the people we met, however I suspect in the christian single's world, we are all looking for a companion to join in the great adventure. You already know where this is going... I don't want to cast shadow on a character I am not equipped to judge but I certainly do hope that making friends without some agenda or pressure is just as easy.

Other observations. I was asked to be the Field Leader to brief delegates going on outreach to Japan and I was looking forward to being able to give testimony to what God has done in Japan and how he has taught me so many things. I even think just talking about what I have done will give me more closure and an avenue to continue ministering to Japan. A few people I have met have said, "you might be told no one wants is really interested in what you've done overseas... but do not let that stop you from giving testimony because those stories encourage people to go and to do and to learn about those countries..."

So, off I went, prepared a talk with all the preps and media ready to go - we were supposedly given this opportunity as Field Leaders because we've lived and worked there and are in some ways experts in certain fields of ministries available in the countries - but when I got there (and this is no fault of the organizers) the people who I were suppose to brief, took one look at me gave me an eye up and down and were unimpressed. They had decided that they didn't need to hear what I had to say. "Actually, we're pastors from India, we've been there before so we don't need to be briefed..." I don't even want to write what I think they really mean when they said that.

Can I roll my eyes at them? I'm really disappointed at their remarks. Does that offend me because I should have dressed the(ir) part to look like a missionary? What does a missionary look like anyway? It's unfortunate the things we do with stereotypes.

Audio: Lord, I give my life.
Biblio: -/-
Cerebrio: Someone I met at the conference gave me a word from the Lord, on cue, "just stop moving and stay. Stay and worship Him... people like us are do-ers. We don't always get the time to just worship him."


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