I'm back from Thailand and have now been in Singapore 3 days. Singapore is hot hot hot, the food is as cheap I remember it to be, and i have to stop myself from indulging in taxis (but, they ARE so much cheaper here! - It costs me about 400yen to go into the city!)
There are lots to learn about being in Singapore - the pace of life here is quick, everyone talks SO fast (or maybe I am slow...), they are busy and everyone seems to have heaps to do! I met up with a friend here who in the course of spending 3 hours together, ran 2 errands from one end of the city to another, met with 2 other friends and had dinner and then proceeded to have biblestudy! I might have to get myself a dynamo to power all that!
The good thing is that group is a cool group. It's the first one I've been to since coming back and it was so good to be in touch with God again through worship and prayer. The group was really cool. Although they met in a church, we all sat around on the floor - like the MNC! so it felt open. The people there also seemed friendly and in the group of 30, there was only 1 engineer and 1 lawyer! All the cool people ruled here! Lots of interesting characters, lots of people in transitions and all from various backgrounds so they didn't seem to have a denominational agenda and even though there were tonnes of instruments that could've been used for music, it was simply led on the accoustic by one guy - keeping it very simple and very real :-) Made me very happy - but also very sad when I reflected back to the MNC that I teared during worship. Did I also say there were a rather sizeable representation of internationals! :-D
Some really nice things so far: I ventured to get myself a new mobile phone line and I was surprised at how easy it was! Being a foreigner in different countries for so long I have taken for granted the complicated protocols in applications. I keep finding myself asking "so, what sort of paperwork will I need for.... " and "how long will I have to wait?" expecting answer like, "we need 10 proofs of financial credability and employement etc etc etc." Instead, applying for a phone was so simple! So very little paperwork! And so efficient! All I needed was one proof of local identification and within 30 minutes, I was out of the shop with my own number and phone! Might I also add that setting up the wireless internet took less than an hour? ;-) I know, i know... nice silly novelties!
Encountering the local value system and observing the choice of priorities have been very challenging. But, I'm trying to remind myself that althougth the value system here is different from mine, it isn't wrong. And, hopefully, I will be able to stand firm and not have to compromise in my expression of what God has taught me so far. So guys, would appreciate your prayers for patience and that I will constantly seek to turn to God for an open and teachable heart...
Audio: Majesty by Hillsongs United.
Biblio: -/-
Cerebrio: Where do the people here find time to prioritize relationships? And why is everyone in such a hurry to pair off! Why all the pressure?
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