Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Life Career Planning Exercise

My Childhood dreams
At 5, I saw a documentary on Channel 12 about cancer and aids that made me want to be a scientist. I wanted to wear white lab coats, fish-eye goggles and stare into microscopes. Ever the idealist, I thought I had it in me to find a cure for one of the plagues of the world. For some bizarre reason, I thought it would be quite glamourous. How wrong I was.

List of Childhood dreams
- Research scientist.
- Research scientist.
- Research scientist. I am secretly a geek.

My Jobs so far
- Lab Research assistant
- Outdoor Adventure Instructor
- Sales person (bookstore)
- NGO/NPO Donorship/Funding Officer
- EFL Teacher
- Church-worker/planter, missionary
- Teacher


None. Okay, I guess all of those vocations habour hopes of making a difference in peoples lives.

- not wearing lab coat, fish-eye goggles and staring into microscopes.
- not being cooped up in a lab all day
- having interaction with people as opposed to only the company of microbes
- being able to impact peoples lives at the grass-root level.

I'm not so sure I'd be an 'effective' Career Guidance Counsellor...


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