My family is full of surprises.
Went out for breakfast with my folks this morning and spent the later bit of it doing some 'errands'. In the course of the last few hours, I've learnt that CurlySu who's in Brissy, started getting food delivered to her place (instead of cooking herself) from some establishment that helps keep count of the calorie-intake. My guess is that she's too busy working and now has enough money to afford having others cook for her. A few years ago, she considered having others clean her small student apartment for her. I almost balked when I remembered that as a student I offered my time/services to clean houses for a small fee myself. To think I would be one of those she would hire...
After breakfast, mom wanted to go 'look-see' a shop in Upper Cross Street. We came home with mean cleaning robot. A robot does cleans the house for us, one of those circular unidentified cleaning objects that whirrs around inconspicuously sweeping and vacuuming the floor so you can do other more worthwhile things like running around the playground with (your) kids, spending time with lonely folks, serving at church, helping the disabled and feeding the poor.

I can't change the family I was born in, the 'elite' upper middle class demographics that I fall into no matter how long and how far I've lived away from it.
Yesterday a group of us held a discussion on inequalities and the talk generated on income inequalities, about how the horrible elite spend have so much money to have one-to-one nannies and household help to clean their houses, send kids to private schools, afford private tutors and then sent their kids to be educated overseas, spending tens of thousands on these luxury. Yes. Horrible. How could they! I wanted to dig a hole right then and there.
Of course all this just made me want to give away all money and go live in a pondok, like those who 'needed help' and spend time tending to their souls. But I'm not sure how I would put this into action. There are days when I wake up and wonder if I'm the only one of my family who is sane and how it is I got to thinking this way which is so odd, and strange like from a planet far away. On that same thread, if I'm the only one who thinks like I do, then am I the one who isn't on the same planet as the people that make up my family?
Still, that robot thingy that cleans the house is one heck of an awesome invention. I definitely want one for my house!
Went out for breakfast with my folks this morning and spent the later bit of it doing some 'errands'. In the course of the last few hours, I've learnt that CurlySu who's in Brissy, started getting food delivered to her place (instead of cooking herself) from some establishment that helps keep count of the calorie-intake. My guess is that she's too busy working and now has enough money to afford having others cook for her. A few years ago, she considered having others clean her small student apartment for her. I almost balked when I remembered that as a student I offered my time/services to clean houses for a small fee myself. To think I would be one of those she would hire...
After breakfast, mom wanted to go 'look-see' a shop in Upper Cross Street. We came home with mean cleaning robot. A robot does cleans the house for us, one of those circular unidentified cleaning objects that whirrs around inconspicuously sweeping and vacuuming the floor so you can do other more worthwhile things like running around the playground with (your) kids, spending time with lonely folks, serving at church, helping the disabled and feeding the poor.

I can't change the family I was born in, the 'elite' upper middle class demographics that I fall into no matter how long and how far I've lived away from it.
Yesterday a group of us held a discussion on inequalities and the talk generated on income inequalities, about how the horrible elite spend have so much money to have one-to-one nannies and household help to clean their houses, send kids to private schools, afford private tutors and then sent their kids to be educated overseas, spending tens of thousands on these luxury. Yes. Horrible. How could they! I wanted to dig a hole right then and there.
Of course all this just made me want to give away all money and go live in a pondok, like those who 'needed help' and spend time tending to their souls. But I'm not sure how I would put this into action. There are days when I wake up and wonder if I'm the only one of my family who is sane and how it is I got to thinking this way which is so odd, and strange like from a planet far away. On that same thread, if I'm the only one who thinks like I do, then am I the one who isn't on the same planet as the people that make up my family?
Still, that robot thingy that cleans the house is one heck of an awesome invention. I definitely want one for my house!

the tricky thing that most of us forget is that the merit does not lie in the amount, but in the proportion and the heart behind it...two stories come to mind...the one of the widow and the 2 yen, and the faithfull servant...in the first case, it was not the amount, but that it was all she had to give, in the second one, it was also not the amount, but what each servant did with that amount that counted as the positive contribution...so while many of us sit and lament at the misappropriation of funds above us, we do not see as much importance in the management of our own...none of us are doing it right, so to add to that a blame and complain approach towards others, no matter what their financial standing, is simply to stand in judgement of ourselves...
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