This evening, with some time to spare, I decided to finally watch something on the telly. I thought I might put on Clerks II or 50 First Dates but the player wasn't working so I settled in to watch something called "Alternative Sports" on the english channel. Something about radio controlled car racing, horse jockeying and go-karting.
"Alternative" on telly was so boring that it made me start to doze off but I persisted in clocking 30 minutes at least... over the last 6 months! I thought I was tired so I wanted to take a nap but in bed, I was not going into dreamland.
One and a half hours later, I've studied some reading strategies to teach, prepped some lesson plans, planned a 15 minute devotion and read a chapter on Teenage Behavioral Management.
I don't think I was tired. I think TV is boring. I guess that's why I don't watch TV.
"Alternative" on telly was so boring that it made me start to doze off but I persisted in clocking 30 minutes at least... over the last 6 months! I thought I was tired so I wanted to take a nap but in bed, I was not going into dreamland.
One and a half hours later, I've studied some reading strategies to teach, prepped some lesson plans, planned a 15 minute devotion and read a chapter on Teenage Behavioral Management.
I don't think I was tired. I think TV is boring. I guess that's why I don't watch TV.
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