Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Friday, August 10, 2007


I'm surprised I got tagged but hey...

Each player of this game starts off with TEN weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own TEN weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose SIX people to be tagged and list their names. NO TAG BACKS.

1. Despite failing poorly in my 2nd language, I did a short student exchange in Beijing while in highschool. And I still failed poorly.

2. In elementary school, my mother had my sister and I involved in child modeling - my sister relished the camera, I hated every moment of it. The poofy skirts, the make-up, the patent shoes, the long boring hours... urgh.

3. When I was four, I asked if I could have drum lessons. My mother said no. My second choice was for a stringed instrument - violin, also no. So I had to settle for piano. I didn't make it past grade one and I still think if I had the chance, I would be an okay drummer.

4. I like to write with 3B lead in my pencil cause its real dark.

5. After studying the bible for oh-so-many-years, I cannot recite verses to reference numbers except something about God loving the world and giving his only Son. I am much better at remembering biblical concepts and precepts.

6. I have two places of utmost importance in a house - the bathroom because showers make such a world of difference to me. I shower every time I come home even if I showered just before leaving the house, drove down to get dinner and back up again. The other place is my bed.

7. I need at least 7 hours of sleep to be human, 8 to be nice and 9 to be bubbly.

8. I like green drinks - avocado juice, wheatgrass juice - I don't think its a weird colour to drink at all but I hate orange-coloured food or drinks with a vengeance.

9. But, I hate green beans. I also hate red beans and that thing called 'tau suan'.

10. I thought for so long to write 10 wierd things about myself, I realize I am not really that wierd after all, just perhaps misunderstood most of the time :-)


At 7:30 pm, Blogger davej said...

haha model, get a drum and do it, nice wording on the sleep, and misunderstood is ok.


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