Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Sunday, December 23, 2007


I think dinner turned out to be an utter flop. Sigh.

As festive dinners go, it didn't live up to the anticipation I had to having a great dinner with the family. It was supposed to be quaint but it turned out to be too quiet. The food was acceptable but left me little desire to return. You'd hardly think there was any revelry going on. Would it be too strange to wonder if Russian's celebrated Christmas? Some part of our table conversation proved a dampener too.

This is coming from someone who got reprimanded from someone very dear about how I was too critical and how I ought to be more magnanimous. A parallel was given of a very critical lady at work who was detested by most and how dreadful it would be if I turned out that way. I'm sure it was done with the best of intention but I feel somewhat misunderstood.

Yet, I can't reason out of it other than that I considered myself (and almost took pride in thinking that I was) less critical than most. Money came into the discussion briefly that I should not make an issue over an incident when I was over charged $1 or if I should seek compensation for a late service. Of course, it is my benefit to justify myself in those cases but I really don't really want to do that.

What I really want to know is if I am critical - and by that, I am not interested in couching that in positive terms on how that makes me a great thinker or anything. Do me a favour and let me know if I am and when I was. I make a biased judgement of myself and this is great sort of self-reflection.


At 6:59 pm, Blogger davej said...

hmmm..silence from the comment boxes?

not that i know of, you have high standards (eg for students) and are gifted at seeing and working justice...this can be misconstrued by some i suppose, but i never noticed you to be critical of people...yes of your work, of knowledge, ideas and thoughts, but that is a good thing..."test everything, hold on to the good" the $1 thing is more petty than critical and i do not think you are that either...again, see the justice characteristic/gift...


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