Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Thursday, February 14, 2008

You know you are educated in Singapore when...

We are dealing with the topic of Education in our Senior English class this month. They *ahem* certainly like the opportunity to share their opinions and suggestions about what being in the system for the last 10-years has been like.

So, we came up with these....

You know you are educated in Singapore when...
1. You think a week without tests is unusual.
2. You think 'Holiday Homework' is meant to be done on your holidays.
3. Half your classmates are spectacle-wearers.
4. You go for 'enrichment' classes even before you can read.
5. You plan for the final national exams (O'levels) in your first year of school.
6.You spend your spare time at tuition.
7. You are willing to pay an arm and a leg for bootlegged test papers from other schools.
8. Your government discourages you from speaking your lingua franca.
9. You don't care how you get it as long as you get the right answers.
10. You are more interested in your friends' results when you get your test scripts back.


At 12:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

very true observations. the 16-year olds came up with that?? -H

At 12:59 pm, Blogger The Chilibuddy said...

You bet. Very sharp. And very bright kids too.


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