Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Time and Place for Everything: This Season

Well, now that time is on my hands - what else is there to do once I already have my home sorted to be mac wireless?? - I have gone back to doing what I love best. Reading :-)

Awhile ago, I had a long list of books on my list to get through, so I stopped buying books for a season. Then after I'd read through them, I kinda stopped reading for a little while as my life got mumble-jumbled by my (then) new job, engagement, wedding, setting up a new home. I think my life is in a good place right now. Not everything is as we would like it to be and that has led me to many prayers but that is probably the best thing to be doing anyway.

I am more or less settled and comfortable at work - FINALLY! After 1.5 years - but I suspect they are going to rock my boat again and not in a good way. There are people moving out and the work still needs to be done so rumours have it that they will 'stretch me to grow' so that I 'can' take on a larger portfolio no matter that I don't really want to.

The home is also more or less settled. Everything is in its rightful place, including the bookshelf which makes me feel more complete and like myself. I can see the books I want to read instead of having to trawl through boxes in the store for what I'm looking for.

It's also coming to our first wedding anniversary. In a way, its a big step. But when I'm realy honest with myself, its only our first year and there are many more we intend to travail so its not such a big thing. Not say like my folks' 25 years of marriage. We agreed at the start that our first year would be sacred, put aside from most obligations to dedicate to building strong foundations. Now that the time is nearing, we are slowly moving into one or two new ministries to serve in.

I'm so thankful for the DG fellowship group that we are part of. In the past year, we have forged some strong and encouraging friendships and we are looking forward to supporting and playing with each other in the years to come. But before we get too comfortable, we're thinking of expanding our circle of blessing, working with others in the church, networking people to one another in and especially out of church.

So, this is to say that I'm so glad I've finally found a 'place' in my life again to read these books as well as all the flicks I've missed, then bought to watch but haven't. More importantly the resource of time to do so during the school holidays.

My booklist this season in some general order of reading preference:

- The Coffeehouse Gospel by Matthew P. Turner
- To Become One by Chris Seay
- Speaking With the Angel edited by Nick Hornby
- Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin
- God's Gravity by Craig Borlase
- Handbook on Faith, Hope and Love by St. Augustine
- The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis
- A Thousand Splendid Suns by Kahlid Hosseini.
- The RELEVANT Nation: 50 Activitists, Artists & Innovators Who Are Changing Their World Through Faith edited by Heather Zydek
- How Movies Helped Save My Soul by Gareth Higgins


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