Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Monday, December 08, 2008

#11 Reflective Practices

This actually sounds alot like one of the core modules they made me do in Teachers' College. I balked at the thought that I had to be thought how to 'reflect' because I thought the last 4 years on this blog would certainly undermine that assumption. There were actually four different models they discussed. I don't remember them very clearly.

I was updating my 30-days of learning and I realize I had nothing to really put my finger down on over the last 3-4 days. I know I've read a lot of about a variety of things and talked a lot with lots of people about stuff but I think this speaks of how unreflective I can be about what information gets input into my head. I know lots go in but unless I'm being absolutely conscious, I think a lot of learning doesn't stay in.

I think this is learning point for myself as a learner and as a teacher.


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