How did Apostle Peter heal the lame man?
I'm on term break this week so I'm taking a short break from Thomas a Kempis. Instead, I'll take the next four days to read and ponder Manga Metamorphosis: The Acts of the Apostles.
Already I've had something to think about when reading about the healing miracles that Peter the Apostle did, especially of the lame man that Peter and John healed outside the temple gate called "Beautiful".
I've read that passage a few times, but the beauty of manga really shows the visual storyline (like a movie) which for me, helps me to put the story together. When I'm reading, it is always a movie in my head.
When churches nowadays have healing services, I feel uncomfortable that it becomes a spectacle for others to watch, even (especially so) when they call for believers to bring non-believers or those that need healing.
What struck me was from one lame man, Peter asked, "How has this man been healed?" and then drew the connection to the power of Jesus of whom the world has persecuted. Then he tells them that there were prophets who told them Jesus was coming but they didn't believe.
I've been to a few healing services when I was attending Andy's previous church. But, it is not distinct in my memory that that is the message preached - that the world continues to persecute the name and person of Jesus, that we are told and reminded that Jesus will return, but yet the world continues the same way as the people of Israel then; why don't they believe if they have been told? That they should admit they were wrong, that they misunderstand and that they should repent, receive him as Messiah who will cleanse us?
Instead, healings in our urban mega congregations tend to bring on the message that receive Jesus and he will likewise work the same power of healing in you. Jesus, nor the Apostles never said anything of that nature.
Already I've had something to think about when reading about the healing miracles that Peter the Apostle did, especially of the lame man that Peter and John healed outside the temple gate called "Beautiful".
I've read that passage a few times, but the beauty of manga really shows the visual storyline (like a movie) which for me, helps me to put the story together. When I'm reading, it is always a movie in my head.
When churches nowadays have healing services, I feel uncomfortable that it becomes a spectacle for others to watch, even (especially so) when they call for believers to bring non-believers or those that need healing.
What struck me was from one lame man, Peter asked, "How has this man been healed?" and then drew the connection to the power of Jesus of whom the world has persecuted. Then he tells them that there were prophets who told them Jesus was coming but they didn't believe.
I've been to a few healing services when I was attending Andy's previous church. But, it is not distinct in my memory that that is the message preached - that the world continues to persecute the name and person of Jesus, that we are told and reminded that Jesus will return, but yet the world continues the same way as the people of Israel then; why don't they believe if they have been told? That they should admit they were wrong, that they misunderstand and that they should repent, receive him as Messiah who will cleanse us?
Instead, healings in our urban mega congregations tend to bring on the message that receive Jesus and he will likewise work the same power of healing in you. Jesus, nor the Apostles never said anything of that nature.
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