Gaijin.Cerebrio: doctrina ergo eruditio

Monday, May 31, 2004


Now that I have these fun things on my iBook to entertain me, I'm back in school once again.

"Ly! Go to sleep, you've got school tomorrow!"

"Just one more show mom? I promise its the last one..."

*3 episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. later*

"I should've gone to bed earlier. Drats!"

Especially now that I have a general sense of direction about Life-after-Japan, I really need to get my arse in shape for some disciplined work. I need to otherwise I won't be going in any direction.

= = = = =

What would be the probability of me meeting a fellow Singaporean up on my "local mount"? I had a great morning with Tsubaki. Climbing a mountain with bottle in one hand and two-way English-Japanese dictionary in hand is a first... We reached the second peak and were having a discussion on the fundamentals of the Japanese zeigeist and culture. In our stammering conversation, the only white dude (which came as a surprise to me) overheard us and came over to make himself known to us. He and his mate were here with a Cultural Exchange group. So, his mate comes back up with a can of beer. At first I think, its his Japanese friend. Why not? I came with a Japanese friend too. But as we did introductions, he obviously wasn't. And when it came to my turn, I said my standard "Hello" to which he immediately went "Eh, you're from the East Coast of Australia".

Dude. That was fast. Am I that easy to tell? So I give the drill "yes, but I'm originally from Singapore. Shingapura-jin."

"Really?! Me too! I don't like a gaijin either! So I go around calling myself Gaijin in Disguise."

"What the?! That's my handle too!"

Then we swap notes on emails and nicknames and general small talk. That makes him my first Singaporean I've met in Japan. Doesn't feel like it though. Can't remember his name and will probably never see him again...

So the climb was good for me to get back to nature and all that jazz. I got burnt on my shoulders. Pity I can't show it off when I get back to Sydney. But at least the layers might hide how unfit I've become. Tsubaki was great company. Even in the face of language barrier we still managed conversations about his music (he composes for violin and piano), Asian history, culture and politics. His research is on something about Darwinian evolution of Human Psychology... so we got talking about a lot that has happened, Greco-Roman civilization, Roman Catholicism (I bring in Christianity and "you should come with me to church so you can study more about it!").

He said he would like to take me to meet his sensei-prof and have discussions about it. That prof has some interesting ideas that Japan actually appropriated from the Hindoo and Indian cultures before they appropriated from the Chinese. It could make sense.

First, he'll have to call me though.

Audio: The hum of the air-conditioner.
Biblio: GRE stuff
Cerebrio: It's monday. Its 33 degrees outside. There is a thunderstorm brewing in the Nara basin which will go on for the next few days. I can hear it in the mountain lee. I DON'T WANT TO GO TO WORK!

Sunday, May 30, 2004


Main Entry: vo·tive
Pronunciation: 'vO-tiv
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin votivus, from votum vow
1 : consisting of or expressing a vow, wish, or desire [a votive prayer]
2 : offered or performed in fulfillment of a vow or in gratitude or devotion

Guess prayers do come in all sorts of shape, size and colour.

Moto foto >>


As it turns out, I did get something wrong. I got the movie title right, the time right, I even got the location right which is sill a feat. I probably would have got the english screening right, but there was no Girl with The Pearl Earring. It had stopped screening.

Of course, I could not tell this simply by looking at the listings I got. They don't say. All they said was for the month of May. I guess the 2nd last day of the months don't really count anymore.

Audio: KAZAUTA: Ryutaro Kaneko from "Irodori" by KODO on The Best of Kodo.
Cerebrio: Tessa made me a happy camper this weekend. Hello season 10 of F.R.I.E.N.D.S., season 6 of SATC ... etc. etc. etc.

Saturday, May 29, 2004


It's a quarter to 4 in the morning. I'm up. Its quite. The room is cool. I'm the only one that's up. There is no one else around anyway. I live in boondawgs. And suddenly, I feel like I'm eighteen all over again, the world is my oyster for me to conquer and all that.

Had a long long talk with Tay. She's coming in september! Oh thank god! Something to look forward to after coming back from Sydney. I just have to keep going. I have a reason for living again.

The reason I don't like to write about my work is because it goes like this:

Tuesday - one of my first graders has recently realized how much power he wields in his hands. He's going around hitting everything and when I get on my knees to his level, he gives me a good slap on my face.
Wednesday - Another First grade fiasco. Those little terrors. Seeing how they only reach up so high, my thighs served as a punching bag in one lesson.
Friday - Today, we're teaching them about sports and ball games. So, i've got play rackets, ,bats and soft balls to hit around. In slightly older class, they feel its very appropriate to use me as target with my nose for bulls-eye.

After a whole week of planning ahead, I'm going to watch Girl with a Pearl earring tomorrow - without the help of a local. That is, if I got the title translated right, the day correct, the location on the japanese map, and an english screening.

Audio: Where is the love by Justin Timberlake.
Biblio: You really don't want to know...
Cerebrio: Will they take me?

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

40 Modern Japanese Artists

My Japanese tutor is a oil & sketch painter and was one of the 40 selected.
Chieko had some of her works on American Indian motifs on display.
So I headed up to Kyoto City Museum a few weeks ago to play the patron.

Her American Indian Deers.

One of the works I saw by another artist inspired me to do this:

The Raven

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Lenore -
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore -
Nameless here for evermore.

Go to the Gallery >>

If you'd like to use one of these as desktops, leave me a message. Just doing my bit for the local talent. :-)

Audio: Sidewinder sleeps tonight by REM on VirginRadio UK.
Biblio: KANSAI Scene.
Cerebrio: My sitemeter has been turning up something really interesting. Try throwing in "Babara Kruger" into Yahoo search. See if you can find "wally". ;-)


Eugene's come and gone. It was great having him over for the weekend. His company is just what the doctor ordered. It was a good enough excuse to play the local tourist again. It was always good to talk and bounce ideas of each other to gain more perspective. Was so good that he would be the first to stay over at my new apartment. I'm so glad God arranged it to work out so nicely. But he's gone back and now I'm the lonelier for it.

Anyway one of the things that I got started on thinking was how I should change about the way I think about the things here: how exactly different is what I am doing now, any different to what I was and had been doing in Sydney? In terms of work that is? How is what I am doing now that much more different and why am I finding it so difficult?

My mentality about it, is what it is. Because I am going nowhere and I cannot see the end of it. Because, somewhere in my subconscious, I fear that this is it. This is all that my life will amount to. A mindless but not altogether unpleasant (sometimes) job, in an exclusive niche (which is a nice way of saying: isolated) somewhere in an exotic but not altogether glamourous country with more money than I know what to do with it. I fear that this is literally what my life will amount to: the pay out. And in a way, I still live like I’m on a student budget, putting away the money so I don’t see it, lest I am tempted to let it become the master of me. And so, “I don’t care about this money I can earn here cause its not worth it.” Cause, I don’t realise the actual value of being able to save a month what Eugene is able to earn a month.

That is not such a bad thing. I am wanting nothing that my life depends on. If I could change the way I approached my situation, no matter how painfully difficult it may be - maybe I’ll be able to keep going the same way I kept going in Kathmandu, North Sydney and Worldvision.

Yet, I fear I will too quickly fall into a rut and lose my edge on things, let life get the better of me, suck me into the routine of the vicious work-purchase-debt-work cycle. And what is so bad about that? It frightens me because its a daily grind that is going no where except around the stone mill. Because, I am an incredibly goal driven person, constanly in search of something to accomplish. Hense, constantly moving and shifting. And the last six months here, I haven’t found a goal or figured out a purpose that I can achieve, add to or accomplish and see results.

I was supposed to get started on the novel - I am supposed to do a lot of things but what stops me from trying is a mixture of apathy and the fear of failure. If I attempted something, only to fail, then I would have wasted my time and effort, And as a lazy person, I would rather not have to exert that time and apath. But I guess one of the secrets of living is that things only come to those who try. And 90% of a success is hardwork, 10% is inspiration - which I think is not the thing that is lacking. Point is, I should keep trying, trying for something, trying to make something out of my life.

After some correspondence, my honours supervisors think I ought to set up my new goal in the next few months is to try to get into graduate school. This will be hard work enough; essays to write, GREs to study and take, fundings to look for, etc. etc. It’s not something that will automatically come onto my lap and I will have to overcome my activating energy to get this done. It's something that scares me because I'm putting one of my dreams on the line... But I have to chase it even if its just a rainbow.

Biblio: Kansai Scene
Cerebrio: Now he's gone back and I need something else to keep my mind off it. I thought I'd indulge in the big screens but trying to navigate my way in the movie listings and then trying to find a screening in English and then finding the theatre is really hard work.

Thursday, May 20, 2004


The smell of good coffee reminds me of walking into one of the cafes on Glebe or Newtown... could even be any of the singular coffee cart bars. I am sitting in a cafe drinking a cuppacino. In reality, my caffiene beverage of choice, is a latte, done Glebe style - doubleshot. It is about 11am, I am having brunch. The waiter brings my cuppacino to my table. I am sitting on a balcony overlooking Glebe. The air is a cool moist morning. Belle & Sebastian's Rollercoaster Ride plays overhead. One and a half brown sugars mounds and sinks into the oblivion of foam and milk.

Cut: I am swimming in well foamed milk. I am so proud of myself for not scalding it that I narcisstically plunge into my own coffee cup.

As I ponder of my coffee, I realise I am not really pondering at all. Or if I am, it is that, down this 4 kilometre stretch of road to the water's edge, my anxieties of the world dissipate as I talk them into the air.

I am waiting for my breakfast. Now I am not in a cafe balcony overhead. I am still having my breakfast cup of coffee, but this time, I am in a wooded establishment at a corner. The smells that emanate from the kitchen is a mix of buttermilk batter, bacon and coffee. I am waiting for two sunnyside eggs done easy, toast, bacon and grilled tomatoes. I think, "I shall go eggs and soldiers today". I think, "I hope my breakfast company comes before my breakfast does."

She comes. This time, I am across the road. Still waiting over coffee. But for all the waiting I am doing, I am not an iota anxious at all. Instead, I am relaxed and enjoying this waiting game. I am having either an bagel with cheese or a croissant with butter. I am lounging out of doors on this sunny morning, reading a novel on my favourite topic; post-colonial identities. It is part of my research for a novel I intend to write, but it doesn't feel like research. I almost do not want to put the book down when I see her walking up towards the establishment. As she sits her person down, I look at her with a smile and a twinkle of my eye to let her know I'm glad she's here. I close my eyes, throw my head back and bask in the glorious sunlit late morning. I am so glad for the sun's warmth.

We lounge around for a good part of the morning then walk further to the water. Its an excuse to keep talking. We find a bakery house, we think about it then think not, cross the road and walk further to the water. But we're too lazy to walk to the water. It's getting too warm. We just want to sit down with a drink and talk. Again. Some more. We head back in the direction of the city. The city decibels increase. As long as we remain on this road, I am in dreamland. Up till the Point, its as if I have everything under control and need not worry. I feel like I belong. I am at my best here.

We are sitting on pew-like benches indoors this time. A sign on the wall says "salamat datang" but we are not in Malaysia. An old ceiling fan whirrs overhead. There is a lot of crowd noise in this cafe. The wait staff are not exceptionally pleasant. But that is the beauty of this place. They're normal people behind the bar. I saw Ange in the kitchen as I walked through. I say Hi. I feel no sense of embarassment that I'm the paying customer. In fact, it is I who am in awe of her. She who works with refugees and homeless people for the state. She who wears tie-die skirts over black tights and her heart on her sleeve. She who loves an unkempt, unshaved bass player who pads around the world barefooted and plays his heart out for God on a 4-string. I don't always understand her but I am still in awe of her. Sometimes wish I had the guts like her, to work in a cafe so I that I too could have the time to do what I love most. I wonder if I should have another cup of coffee, then I decide not and have a sherbet cider instead and order a side of salad. We pick at the alfalfa and rocket. I pour my heart out and discuss my intentions and my anxieties. I make emphatic hand gestures and long drawn out sighs. We think in a moment of comfortable silence between us.

I go back to my plate, but I am not having alfalfa sprouts for a side anymore. Instead on my plate are two raisin butter rolls quickly losing their toast. My yoghurt is at an undecidedly tepid temperature. I only like my yoghurt chilled. Now I have to wolf down my rolls so I can polish off breakfast with my fruit yoghurt. I look outside the window. It is not bright, sunny nor warm. Its just chilling, grey clouds covering the whole basin. The chatter of customers has drowned out and in its place is the incessant patter of a typhoon that is sweeping across the east northern hemisphere. I have made it into a wet season. My coffee has turned as cold as the sherbet cider I would have had. But the smell of a good Italian roast still lingers. I thank God for all the good things I have had including the creation of coffee beans.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


There is no other way of putting this:

I feel like a child, helpless and locked into dark closet. I'm like five and I want to get out of this closet but I can't get out of the closet without a key and I can't get the key unless I stay in for long enough but the reason I want to get out of the cloest in the first place is because its scarying me.

Audio: sniffles.
Biblio: Psalms 4.
Cerebrio: Thoroughly annoyed. I thought talking to Mom would make me feel better about things. Like a kissing a scraped-knee better. Instead I feel worse.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Just across the road from Harajuku is one of Tokyo's most splendid shrine and gardens.

More >>

Audio: -/-
Biblio: Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga.
Cerebrio: Completely buggered.

Sunday, May 16, 2004


Who is in your celebrity family? by cerulean_dreams
User Name
MomSharron Osbourne
DadSean Connery
BrotherSean Everette Scott
SisterMilla Jovovich
DogRin tin tin
BoyfriendHugh Grant
Best friendHillary Duff
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Sean Connery for a Dad, Milla - I'm gonna kickya ass - Jovovich for a sister (wonder if she's older or younger) and Hugh for a boyfriend! Yowzaa! But an Osbourne for my mom? And Duffy as my bestfriend is a bit distressing though...

Friday, May 14, 2004


I've been doing a lot of thinking. As interesting as Japan is, I suspect I don't find it as fascinating as most because a lot of what I am seeing (wierd things aside) is really troughing deeper in the Asian cultures I already know. No "Oh wow! Gem of Asia!" kinda thing going for me.

Which translates to less of this desire to turn into an otaku. Its all well and interesting but thats all that it remains for me. No perogative of that sort to be sticking around here. May it be so clearly obvious to me and everyone else here that i stay because God had a reason to put me here. And, many times I've come close to giving up on Japan but its like He keeps foiling my plans to do so, proving himself faithful in keeping my head above the water.

Looks like I won't have to resort to blackmailing, "I'm going or else!" this time around. But I would have done it if that was going to be the only way. Taking this leave is principlely important to me because my family is my priority, my friends are my priority and my relationships come first. Work, is not my priority. It's lucky for them that God is my biggest priority elsewise I would want out so fast!

"Whenever you are faced with a choice between liberty and security, choose liberty. Otherwise you will end up with neither. Choose life, whatever the apparent costs may be." I will try my darnest from having to sell my soul and compromise my ethics and principles for the promises of a "secure" job and and an envious salary. I know where my true security lies.

Audio: The pitter patter of rain outside.
Biblio: The Gospel according to Luke.
Cerebrio: What a braindraining, heartstopping mid-week.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004


I'm so stoked! Crusader is coming down to visit next weekend! EXCITING! This is just what the Doctor ordered! Am so looking forward to seeing a familiar face! So, its like countdown.

This weekend, am going up to Kyoto again. My Japanese tutor is also an sketch and oil artist and her paintings are showing at the Kyoto City Museum. She gave me free tickets and all that. So, I thought I'd be a patron of her arts as "due" for my free japanese lessons. I was planning to go up to Kyoto soon anyway and I enjoy an art gallery anytime. How cool is that? I know the artist and she is my Japanese tutor! Heheh. Also get personal tour. *grin*

Meeting up with Yasu for breakfast before that at Starbucks (that's the best we've got around) when I arrive and we'll kick around together for the rest of the day. Also gonna meet up with Mikako and Heather again to go the Galleries together. Heather's about to go back to Minnesota. So, its like the last whirlwind.

Came home to an email from my Ape who also excited about things cause I'll be back in Sydney not three weeks after playing tour guide. I'm sure Sydney will be a whirlwind and I won't want to come back here. Pammy is tripping down too just before her wedding, so we'll meet up too. Exciting!

That means one thing. It would have been SIX MONTHS. As slow as the days go by in the week and crawl at a snails pace, sometimes even coming to a grounding halt just before I have to face work, six months will have gone by in a bat of an eye.

And what do I have to show for it?

Audio: Here with me by Dido on VirginRadio UK.
Biblio: ARTiT, Spring/Summer 2004. Website here.
Cerebrio: Argh! Do I have anything to show for it?

It was Boy's Day.

More >>

Audio: The One I Love by REM on VirginRadio UK.
Biblio: Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga.
Cerebrio: Okay, its time for bed.

Monday, May 10, 2004


If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million who won't survive the week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 20 million people around the world. If you attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death, you are more blessed than almost three billion people in the world. If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy. If your parents are still married and alive, you are very rare, especially in the United States. If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful, you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not. If you can hold someone's hand, hug them or even touch them on the shoulder, you are blessed because you can offer God's healing touch. If you can read this message, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read anything at all. You are so blessed in ways you may never even know. If you are a recipient of a blessing, be a blessing to others.


Audio: All The WAy by David Paul Strom on CMRario.
Biblio: Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga.
Cerebrio: Let me be glad and rejoice it it.

Sunday, May 09, 2004


Kirin Plaza Osaka. As its beer's namesake suggests, the KPO is dedicated to slaking the thirst of braincurious beer drinkers. It pays tribute to what Kirin does best: brewing beer. A range of microbrews are crafted on the premises, and anyone who thinks Kirin only makes bland mass-produced lagers is in for a shock.

But it is more than just about beer. It is also one of Osaka's most interesting, architecturally innovative and yet strangely unheralded institutions of formidable reputation in the international contemporary art circuit. Apparently, one of its most recent exhibitions cause a few ripples; jars of preserved human innards presented in AV format by a London-based Japanese artist. Needless to say, it got the attention it wanted. However, today was not to be the case though no less interesting.

Music Graffiti Japan. A total of about 1000 LP and CD jackets, posters music videos and music from the 1970s to the latest cutting edge J-Pop on exhibition. From early YMO (think Japan's version of The Cure), Sheena & the Rokkets, the cliched Shage & Asuka to Le 'Ciel Arc. Insightful into J-pop's cultural and musical history even though most of was lost on me in Japanese notes. Saw lots of Brit 70's and American 80's influence. Very "Ohmygawd! It's a Japanese Robert Smith!".

Other discoveries: Art Cafe KPO. It's the closest I've come to a cafe from Sydney. Not franchise and not American. Hoorah! Its coffee is the basic, black, latte or expresso (no cuppacino even!) and its deco just as simple. "Art" only as their Graf series chairs go. Still it's cornered away from the lemming crowd on Shinsaibashi and open balcony seating is better than nothing. Beggars can't be choosers.

Other $urpri$ing di$coverie$

1 packet of Arnott's TimTams ------------------------------ AUD$3.50
1 bag of Lavarzza Expresso coffee grind ------------------ AUD$10
1 jar of Schwartau (German) chocolate bread spread --- AUD$6
1 bottle of Frattorie Umbre (Italian) tomato sauce ------ AUD$6.90
1 packet of Agnesi spaghetti (No.2) ----------------------- AUD$3.50

Total price of 5 items: $30. (Prices converted from the JPY Yen obviously)

Audio: Our Lives by The Calling on VirginRadio UK.
Biblio: Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga. Gone through all the books I've brought over and saved my favourite for last!
Cerebrio: The highcost of homesickness...

Saturday, May 08, 2004


Audio: Friday, I'm in Love by The Cure on VirginRadio UK.
Biblio: The Atlantic Journal.
Cerebrio: I've finally linked the photoblog. See menu. Like the new layout?


I had a child yesterday lick up her snot in class. It made me want to puke. I had to hide behind the textbooks so they wouldn't see me gag. It was the wet and mucoid variety of snot What made it worse was that she looked like she was savouring it. Finger liking gooey-ness. I couldn't bear it! So, I just dumped a wad of tissue papers on her so I wouldn't have to see it.

Kids can be so gross.

Audio: London Calling by The Clash on VirginRadio UK.
Biblio: Spiritual Warfare: How to live in victory and retake the land by Dean Sherman.
Cerebrio: -/-

Friday, May 07, 2004


Their idea of marital union agrees that when a man and woman marry they become one. So, when a man talks of his woman, he would talk in terms of debasement.. eg "my rustic wife". The reason for this being the same that you would not speak highly of yourself - "my beautiful wife" (my beautiful self)!

"We think praising one's own wife is praising a part of one's own self. And self praise is regarded as bad-taste among us too! Polite debasement of one's consort of most in vogue among those who practiced Bushido."


Audio: Birds chirping outside my window
Biblio: Bushido: The Soul of Japan by Inazo Nitobe.
Cerebrio: Ho hum.

Thursday, May 06, 2004


From Anne Geddes to Japan

To see and to be seen till dusk.

More >>

Audio: Hey Ya! by Outcast on
Biblio: Spiritual Warfare: How to live in victory and retake the land by Dean Sherman.
Cerebrio: I don't want to think at the moment.


Coming back to Osaka hasn't filled the void that I experienced in being away for a week.

I miss home. But I don't know where home is. I just want to go home.

Audio: Who am I by Casting Crowns on CM Radio.
Biblio: Bushido: The Soul of Japan by Inazo Nitobe.
Cerebrio: Sad. Disenchanted.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004


I finally comprehend the hour plus commute to working in Tokyo. It's a real maze, but it manages to overcome all possible adversity and actually work! I have new found respect for the train systems in Japan. MM lives within Tokyo Metro (as the train line run by the same name proves), but just getting into the JR Loop at Shibuya takes at least fifty minutes alone. That is not to say that where she lives is suburbia. Chuorinkan is no suburbia. And it is definitely not like where I live. Then, there's the subway within the "business district"; add another thirty minutes to hour. Luckily, MM doesn't live in the CBD area... But I've definitely had enough of train-ing for a while.

I've "learnt" a lot in the last week. I've learnt that, all things considered, my lot here isn't all that bad. I was recently told to my disbelief that where I stay is actually rather "desirable"; I pay a very competitive rent (not to mention subsidised by the company), I live "near" Osaka City, all thirty minutes of a train ride, and I'm close to nature and greens. Still, if you've heard me whine, you'll know that desirable is relative afterall. Relative or not, it still means I still have a blessed lot.

For starters: I pay 450yen for a 30 minute rapid train ride into Osaka loop. MM pays 330-400yen for a 57 minute express trainride into the loop. After subsidies, I still pay a lower rent than MM even though she lives 50 minutes from the loop. Also, my work conditions which wern't fantastic to begin with still sound like a better deal even though we do the same thing for the same company. So, I'm learning to be happy with what He's given me.

Now, the exciting parts. First on my list of to-do's in Tokyo was to sample the creative buzz lurking under the repressive culture; I saw the YES Yoko Ono exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo and the exhibition of Flemish & Dutch paintings, including works by Ruben, van Dyck, Rembrandt's self-portait and Saint Paul amongst his other works and Vermeer's Allegory of Painting from the Collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in Ueno Park.

For Culture and Religion we went to Asakusa Senso-ji which was cool.. and Meiji-jinja where I spotted royalty walking around the shinto grounds there! Unfortunately, it was lost on me. I didn't know who they were? Still, I took snaps like every other lemming. In exchange for all this, I had to endure two full days of shopping. Oh what a chore! But even shopping can be very interesting if only for the people-watching...

Spent a full days walking around Shibuya, Shinjuku and Harajuku until my feet were so sore... Well, while MM and the lot from San Francisco were in the stores, I spent most of my time waiting outside the shops, camera in tow. Especially around Harajuku's Jingu-bashi. Enter the Cos-play-zoku, the Costume Play Gang, bedecked in Goth make-up, a mixture of SM queen arch-vamp, lots of black taffeta, fishnet stockings and blue lipstick!

I did get a noren (japanese door curtains), a few japanese fans and an Italian-make expresso stove-top maker. Hurah! Now my pad looks more me. So we dragged our weary bodies to Tokyo Bay where I enjoyed my first proper onsen. We had to get into proper yukatas (summer kimonos) to enter the vicinity and fully disrobe at the baths. Loved it! I want to go again! In the harem, all cultural and traditional inhibitions are lost. All the pink bouncy flesh bodies put me right in Ingres' Le Bain Turc! The real thing!

And we had such a swell time in Tokyo Bay that we missed our last train from Shibuya... which left us only two options. Stay in the city which involved either 5 girls in a Japanese Love Hotel *ahem* or night in a Capsule Hotel. OR, take a US$100 cab ride home. Guess which one we opted for? Well, since we were going to MT Fuji the next day and needed the gear at home we didn't have much choice. But it wasn't so bad cause gotta catch some bona fide Tokyo Biker gangs in action on the way home. Money cannot buy you a place on the set of Akira!

And so, we headed off to Mt. Fuji. Hhrrrmm. It's a big volcanic mountain and its peaked with snow this time of the year. We didn't reach the top cause one of our party members came down with a stomach bug so that hindered our attempt. But it was nice and pretty all the same. I'm already planning my next trip with Keely, to catch the 4 am sunrise for a long weekend hike and stay overnight at an onsen.

And then, to polish off a week, the last day was spent browsing at Akihabara, aka Electric Town (Denki-machi), the Electronics mecca. No doubt I was green with envy and started saving for my next piece of technology. I'm getting a bit frustrated with the limited capacity i can do with my ... ...

The photo you've been waiting for; poised in a yukata with ikebana behind me and all that!

Not just a pictorial allegory of Tokyo; The Mob at Shibuya.

They're everywhere you go; Ticket line at Shibuya.

Audio: Wonderwall by Oasis on VirginRadio UK
Biblio: Bushido: The Soul of Japan by Inazo Nitobe.
Cerebrio: I can dread work tomorrow or think of it as a 2-day work week to the weekend! YAYYY!


Back from Tokyo. It's big and sprawling. It was an eye-opener. Lots of inspirations. Lots to do today to get sorted back to life again.

It's been a long while, but it was good to be home again finally.

Audio: Headstrong by Trapt on
Biblio: -/-
Cerebrio: Lots. Coming your way soon in a blog. :-)